Inspiring stories from the friends and partners of Cole’s Victory Lap
Below are a few stories from those that have been touched by our work and the support of the families and friends of Cole’s Victory Lap.
Hover over each testimony to read.
When Callie was first diagnosed and we walked into a room we thought it was the wrong room, it was actually Callie’s. It was decorated with everything Elsa, from Cole’s Victory Lap. We were so floored that Callie felt super comfortable, she jumped right into the bed fully unaware what was happening. The ‘Nack Cart was huge because we didn’t feel comfortable leaving Callie alone. After her 1st phase of treatment, they arranged for us to have pictures taken so we could capture her hair before it completely fell out. Even though it was so heartbreaking, I'm glad that we did because most chemo patient’s hair doesn’t grow back the same and she felt super girly after feeling sick, or semi-normal. The biggest thing is you want kids to feel normal or loved, getting out of the house kind of gives you that moment. They continuously reached out, brought her toys. Erin is very intentional about making sure every kid from 0-18 gets the love and affection they need just like Cole did when he was sick. Cole’s Victory Lap makes you feel like an individual facing the toughest battle with support instead of a cancer patient.
Mandie MattisonCallie's Mom
Transitions into the hospital for a planned overnight admission can be difficult for children to cope with. My colleague in the outpatient clinic informed me that one young friend was particularly upset and tearful when he learned he would be admitted to the hospital unexpectedly. Fortunately, we had Spider-Man bedding — the patient's very favorite character - in the Cole's Victory Lap closet. We were able to prepare the patient's room with something he loved (Spider-Man!!) prior to his arrival. When he saw his Spider-Man bed, his entire demeanor changed. He jumped with excitement, and even invited other staff into his room to show them his bed, sharing that it matched his Spider-Man shoes!! He was able to transition and settle into the new environment seamlessly in large part due to the Cole's Victory Lap donation. Opportunities for familiarity make a huge difference for children in the hospital. Cole's Victory Lap helps make the healthcare experience more manageable for children and families every single day.
AbigailChild Life Specialist, Prisma Health Greenville Memorial Hospital
Cole’s Victory Lap has made this all more bearable, and we wanted to thank you! We stayed on another floor in the hospital and quickly realized Cole’s Victory Lap is a huge reason why the hemonc floor is so special! My son (aged 3, diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia) had a difficult port access there, and I innocently asked for the snacks and treats after which they didn’t have…that’s when I realized how much we need and value what you do! When he chooses snacks with nurses, it helps him build relationships with the care team which makes him more comfortable. When I was living that diagnosis stay, I’d get a Body Armor drink to make sure I stayed hydrated and able to make milk for our breastfed newborn. The sheets and Apple TV make it all more liveable. What you do is invaluable to us and is impacting our journey!